Social Justice
The purpose of the Mission Ministry is to call, equip, and support the members of Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church to engage in acts of mission, mercy, and justice so that we help create a more equitable world.
Ark and Dove is a Matthew 25 church. The mission of Matthew 25 Ministries is to fulfill Matthew 25:34-40 of the New Testament by providing nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill, and humanitarian supplies to those in need.
We are a More Light Presbyterian Church. We are working toward the full participation of LGBTQIA+ people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) – and in society.
The Mission Ministry is a group of willing disciples who devote time and talent by participating in one or more of our mission teams. We invite YOU to join us!
Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT)
Anne Arundel Connecting Together builds power to improve the lives of people in Anne Arundel County and Maryland. ACT is a non-partisan organization of 18 faith and community-based institutions in Anne Arundel County. Our work with ACT is coordinated by our Core Team. Ark and Dove members participate in county-wide action team meetings and show up at actions organized by ACT leaders. Members of Ark and Dove are encouraged to meet one-on-one with members of the church and other ACT organizations to build relationships that are essential for building power and trust. Our Core Team facilitates communication between the congregation and ACT, works “turn-out” for ACT events, and encourages members to share our passion for fairness with local elected officials.
ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together) is made up of leaders and organizers building power to improve the lives of our families, communities, regions, and nations. ACT is a non-partisan organization of 18 faith and community-based institutions in Anne Arundel County.
We organize the two universal sources of power — organized people and organized money — so that our organizations can move powerful institutions in the governmental and private sectors to act.
We are non-ideological and pragmatic — building relationships, based on shared interests, across the lines that tend to divide us. We are also strictly non-partisan, not favoring or supporting any party, but fiercely favoring and supporting those issues and strategies that bring more dignity and greater opportunity to an ever-widening circle of society.
We challenge people to imagine the change they can accomplish, connect leaders to multiply their power, and organize people by the thousands to make their voices heard. We set high goals, design innovative strategies, and stick with issues until they are fully addressed. Our time frame is not the market cycle or the news cycle or the election cycle, but the generational cycle of families and institutions.
We believe it is time for a new capacity and generation of grassroots leaders in Anne Arundel County who unite to solve issues at the local and county level.
Antiracism and Social Equity
- Co-Team Leads: Paula Sparks and Debbie Saylor
The Anti-Racism/Social Equity Mission Team, supported by Christian Education, was formed in 2016 following the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. In order to promote understanding of systemic racism, prejudice and white privilege we examine history from a religious and historical perspective through regular forums and small group book studies. Arkive articles and a Facebook group provide opportunities for dialogue and for actions that address racial inequities in our community.
Check out the Anti-Racism section of our church library.
PC(USA) Antiracism Policy Statement
Racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity. Racism is a lie about our fellow human beings, for it says that some are less than others. It is also a lie about God, for it falsely claims that God favors parts of creation over the entirety of creation. Antiracist effort is not optional for Christians. It is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, without which we fail to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
Statement on Racism
From the Session of Ark and Dove
The brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and far too many others are tragedies of systemic racial injustices that stand in stark contrast to the teachings of Jesus Christ. We mourn with the families of those killed or injured and grieve for all who experience ongoing racial injustices.
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church unequivocally affirms that the lives of African Americans and all people of color matter. We express our support and solidarity in confronting the tragic legacy of slavery and racism in our country. In the words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” We must let the cry of the prophet Amos ring through our hearts and our land, “let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amos 5:24).
Justice and love are perfectly united in God’s nature and character. We at Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church stand for justice with all those who are oppressed. We express our love and compassion to all people of color by reaffirming our commitment to combat systemic racism, brutal abuse of authority, and white supremacy. We cannot abide by the silence and denials by those in power that spawn widespread inaction and indifference. We unite in peaceful protest and lend our voices in condemning these horrific acts of violence. We renew our pledge to help heal the wounds of racial inequality through listening, learning, advocating, organizing, and seeking policy change.
Together, with the peace and love of Christ as our guide, we can be a community that lives out justice and love for all people so that lives are transformed and God’s dream is carried into the world.
Arundel House of Hope Winter Relief
Through an all volunteer effort, Winter Relief has operated as a seasonal Emergency Temporary Shelter since 1992. Hosted at different Anne Arundel County religious facilities each week from late October through April, the shelter is a safe and comfortable refuge for those experiencing homelessness throughout the coldest months of the year. Each facility provides services, meals, and spiritual support to the guests during their designated week. It is a unique opportunity for people in the community to reach out and share their blessings with those who are experiencing homelessness.
In coordination with the Arundel House of Hope, Ark & Dove provides a safe place to sleep, for 25 homeless men, for one week during the winter. Congregation members and friends provide hot dinners; bagged lunches and snacks; access to laundry and showers; haircuts; and warm hospitality. This is the largest single mission project our church undertakes during the year.
Back to School
Ark and Dove participates annually in the county Back to School Program, a partnership between the Anne Arundel County School System and the county Department of Social Services (DSS), providing book bags and school supplies. Eligible elementary school students are referred to the program by school guidance counselors and DSS social workers. Ark and Dove also supports Meade Middle School students by providing loose school supplies.
Christian Assistance Program (CAP)
CAP is a team of 11 West County churches that provides food assistance to families in Gambrills, Odenton, Severn, Fort Meade, Hanover, and Harmans, as well as the Anne Arundel County portions of Jessup and Laurel. CAP operates a food pantry at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8397 Piney Orchard Parkway in Odenton. The pantry is open Tuesdays 11am-1pm and Thursdays 3-5pm. Each Thanksgiving and Christmas, CAP also provides food for a full holiday meal. Ark & Dove supports CAP by donating food and money, and by volunteering at the pantry.
Disability Justice
The Disability Justice Team, launched in June 2024, seeks to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion at Ark & Dove, as well as build congregational knowledge, fellowship and pastoral care. As the Team matures, we aim to tackle disability justice advocacy in our community and beyond.
Earth Care
Ark and Dove has participated in Earth Care for many years. In 2015, a church member became an Anne Arundel County Watershed Steward, receiving 50 hours of training and qualifying Ark and Dove for a large grant to mitigate stormwater run-off issues. That grant enabled Ark and Dove to create a rain garden in front of the church that filters and diverts water from the parking lot, and install large cisterns around the building to filter and slow rainwater coming off of our roofs. In 2022, we became a Presbyterian Earth Care Congregation. The Earth Care Team are striving to reduce the impact we have on the earth through education, energy efficient power, appliances, and practices.
Mission: To care for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring our members and neighbors to make creation care a central concern of the church and our lives.
“Thus should one regard us: as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” I Corinthians 4:1
As an Earth Care Congregation, we are committed to the four categories of actions in the Presbyterian Earth Care Pledge:
- Education – Educate the congregation on the causes of climate change and actions that can be taken to lessen the effects
- Worship – Include Earth Care in our worship through hymns, prayers, and sermons
- Facilities – Make sure our building is as “green” as practically feasible
- Outreach – Work with community groups to advocate for policies to minimize the impact of climate change and to protect our environment
The world is not on track to reduce carbon emissions to meet the goal of less than 1.5 degrees C increase in global temperatures to avoid the worse effects of climate change. This means that in the future millions of the most vulnerable people will be affected by the warming of our climate. Hunger, disease, displacement, and violence will increase especially among the poor and disenfranchised. Our church cannot have a major impact on worldwide carbon emissions, but we can have an impact on how those in our community are affected. Climate change is a social justice issue and as a church we must work to ensure that there is equity in how we manage the societal changes caused by climate. We must advocate for social justice, educate on the effects of climate change and do what we can to reduce the church’s carbon footprint. God has commanded that we should be good stewards of the world God has given us. We must do better.
GLEAM (God’s Love Embraces All Ministry)
Our goals are to ensure the affirmation and inclusion of all LGBTQIA+ members, friends, and visitors at Ark and Dove. We provide LGBTQIA+ educational opportunities for all church members, friends, and visitors. GLEAM provides resources on LGBTQIA+ topics for church members, friends, and visitors. We organize and facilitate the church’s involvement in Annapolis Pride and other Pride events as deemed necessary. We lead support groups for LGBTQIA+ people affiliated with Ark and Dove, LGBTQIA+ community members, and allies within the church and greater community. We advocate for justice and equality in order to effect change in local, state, and federal policies that discriminate against and harm LGBTQIA+ people.
In the fall of 2020, a question was posed to the congregation from the Anti-Racism and Social Equity Team: what social justice issues would you like to learn more about? Several people responded with interest in LGBTQIA+ concerns and discussing ways that our church could deepen our welcome and affirmation of all of God’s children, marking the beginnings of the God’s Love Embraces All Ministry (GLEAM) Team. This also led to our congregation becoming a More Light church with our Session formally endorsing the mission statement of More Light Presbyterians:
“Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.”
The God’s Love Embraces All Ministry team (GLEAM) grew from the recognition that being a welcoming and affirming church is a continuing journey toward full inclusion of all LGBTQIA+ members, friends, and visitors in the life of Ark & Dove. It is the continual work of support and advocacy for all LGBTQIA+ persons in our church and wider communities. Our goal is to provide opportunities for folks who are passionate about LGBTQIA+ concerns to work together in making our church and communitiy a safe, welcoming, and spiritually engaging place for all. GLEAM meets quarterly or more, if necessary, to:
- plan and implement educational opportunities pertaining to LGBTQIA+ topics such as book discussions, classes, sensitivity trainings, and other small groups
- organize and facilitate our church’s involvement in Pride events and similar types of publicly affirming events
- create and implement support groups for LGBTQIA+ church members, friends, and visitors as well as groups for allies, including friends and family of LGBTQIA+ persons
If you are interested in more information about GLEAM or would like to get involved please contact Amanda Crose or Amy Tardiff.
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 NRSV)
Global Ministry
- Karla Koll – Mission Co-worker in Costa Rica
- Betsey Moe – Mission Co-worker for Guatemala
The Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA) is an educational institution that contributes to the transformation of lives and context by providing training and accompaniment, and by offering spaces for reflection to women and men from diverse Christian traditions, communities and contexts. One of CEDEPCA’s four main programs is the Intercultural Encounters Program, bringing visitors from the US to Guatemala to learn about the history, meet the people and interact with organizations doing wonderful work in the country. The Presbytery of Baltimore and the Guatemala Partnership have regularly made week-long trips to CEDEPCA.
Lori Kronser was one of several from Ark and Dove who went to Guatemala and CEDEPCA in 2023. She writes:
My experiences in Guatemala with CEDEPCA have been life-changing. I will never forget what I saw or the people I met. The CEDEPCA staff and the leaders of the many organizations we visited displayed hearts for God, love pouring out for those they serve and the Holy Spirit glowing from their faces. The Guatemalan people we met, who were mostly Indigenous people, were filled with joy to meet us while sharing their stories of murdered family members at the hands of government forces in their villages in the 1980s, families sending young teens to big cities from rural villages to earn a little bit of money to send home to support their families, or the migrant family in Casa Migrante who were trying to get to America on foot. Standing outside of the Casa Nuestras Raices shelter for unaccompanied minors was heartbreaking. These children are sent by their parents to attempt to get to America to earn money for the family. Most of them get caught in Mexico and are returned by bus to Guatemala. Parents coming to meet their children had to be taught that it is harmful to the children to express disappointment and anger for the unsuccessful attempt to make it to the US. The memory of people living in squalid tin-roofed shacks on the sides of a ravine with no electricity, running water and no sewer system has occupied my thoughts often since we returned home. I sincerely hope that you will take a trip with the Presbytery to Guatemala and CEDEPCA in the future. Everyone of us should experience the joyful service of the people of CEDEPCA and their partners and the devastating poverty of the people they serve. I am humbled and motivated to help the people struggling in Guatemala to never be forgotten and to receive as much support as we can give.
Donations to CEDEPCA can be made directly to: CEDEPCA USA, P.O. Box 920243, Norcross, GA 30010
Lori Kronser, Mission Elder
Housing Initiatives
We know that safe and secure housing is a critical issue for neighbors both close by and farther away. In the past, members and friends of Ark and Dove have worked on a number of different Habitat for Humanity projects. This fall, as a part of our efforts to renew our hands on housing efforts following the pandemic, Ark and Dove is working with Rebuilding Together Howard County to make much needed repairs to a home so that the homeowner can age in place in a home that is both safer and more healthy. Our fall work day will be October 29th. If you are interested in volunteering for this effort or to learn more please send an email to:
Holiday Sharing
Ark and Dove provides Christmas gifts to children through the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services (DSS) Holiday Sharing Program. Holiday Sharing provides food and gifts to seniors and families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For each child, we provide an item of clothing and something fun.
Light House Homeless Prevention Center
The Light House is a dignity-based organization providing homeless prevention services to unhoused people – emergency shelter, fresh meals, job training, laundry, pantry, library, clothes for job interviews, housewarming kits, medicine safekeeping, showers, etc.
- House warming kits: all the items an individual or family would need to furnish a new home.
Presbytery of Baltimore Ministries
- Bay Area Disciples
- Guatemala Partnership
Bay Area Disciples (BAD) is a cadre of eight churches in the Presbytery of Baltimore, grouped together by proximity to the Chesapeake Bay. BAD churches participate in and promote several programs that benefit West Anne Arundel County and in which Ark and Dove participates. Triennium Scholarships, STAIR (Start The Adventure In Reading-Annapolis), ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together), Leadership Development, and Immigration and Refugee Support are a representative group of programs supported by BAD churches.
Guatemala Partnership: The Presbytery of Baltimore is in relationship with CEDEPCA, or the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, through the Guatemala Partnership . The Baltimore Partnership Steering Committee is made up of pastors and members of churches within Baltimore Presbytery who are committed to attending to this long-term relationship and encouraging others within Baltimore Presbytery to become involved. Intercultural exchanges and cross-cultural learning are at the core of the Baltimore-Guatemala Partnership, organizing at least one trip annually to Guatemala, hosting Guatemalan visitors and sharing a monthly prayer letter. Ark and Dove has two representatives on the Steering Committee, Cheryl Walcutt and Lori Kronser, and a third, Stephen Price-Gibson, represents clergy on the team.
Refugee Resettlement
The Refugee Resettlement Ministry at Ark and Dove began in 2017 working with the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture and other immigrants to thrive in Baltimore and around Maryland. We have recently partnered with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) to provide emergency support to Afghan refugees at this critical time.